I love this family, and little Peighton hated me! Well...at least hated getting her picture taken by me. She took lots of breaks marching around screaming at us, and I think she downed an entire pack of gum...that was literally the only thing making her happy, that's probably not the healthiest thing for a toddler to have..oops!! She's still the cutest little bug ever, and has a sassy little attitude to keep up with the best of 'em!
It has been a ridiculously long time since I've updated this blog...I have been such a slacker and busy editing that I've just put all the updating on the back burner. I do have a huge stack of sessions that I need to post, so my goal this week is to try and get as caught up as I possibly can. For now, here is this cute little family! They came all the way from Wyoming to get their pictures done and somehow we lucked out with a really nice day considering the day before their session was windy, and rainy. The little boys weren't at all interested in getting pictures done...as you'll see by the faces they're pulling in a few of these, you can really tell how they felt about having my camera in their face. They're still cute as ever, even with the silly faces!
If you would like to book a session, please contact me either through email at alex_perry3@hotmail.com or by phone at (801-837-3108) Try to plan on anywhere from 1-2 hour sessions, sometimes with little kids it takes a bigger time slot which is just fine with me...whatever it takes to get the best cooperation.
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