Wednesday, August 26, 2009
..Sad News..
I just received the saddest news this morning. Alicia Sheffield passed away August 25th-Tuesday morning at 2am with her husband by her side. I was told she went in peace, and the family is just trying to find comfort and wrap their head around the whole situation. Even though they knew it was coming all too soon, it's still never easy dealing with death and the sorrow it brings. Everyone is relieved for Alicia knowing she is no longer in pain and has finally been released from her sick body. I wanted to let everyone know that there has been a donation account set up in Alicia's name at any Central Bank so if you are able to donate even a little bit to this wonderful family PLEASE DO! Every little bit helps and will go along ways. They will need all the financial help and prayers that they can get. My heart goes out to her family and my thoughts and prayers are with them as they try to find the strength to get through this very tragic time. May You Rest In Peace Alicia.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
..Long Time No Post..
It has been a crazy past few weeks. I haven't had time to blog about anything all I've had time for is photo shoots, editing and trying to squeeze in some family time. My oldest Eryka has started playing soccer, so it's been a lot of fun watching her learn how to play and compete with others...she is so timid and doesn't really like to get in the huddle and go for the ball. But she's enjoying being able to run around and play with some of the girls on her team. Yesterday was her first day of pre-school. This is her third year, and I'm a little afraid that by the time she is ready for kindergarten she will be bored out of her mind and sick of school. ANYWAYS, so we've been really busy and I'm trying to get caught up on blogging. So back to this family; I think these kids are super cute and we got some good shots until the end when Lauren decided that she was so done with pictures and was not about to take one more. So we had to cut the session short. Hopefully when she's in a better mood we will have a chance to try again! Also...not really sure why I am not able to upload some of their family pictures? I have a sweet computer sometimes.
Monday, August 17, 2009
..Rose's Seniors..
Rose came all the way from California just to get her senior pictures done. Ok, ok that wasn't her ONLY reason for coming to Utah, she came to be with her family too but I was honored that they thought of me! Rose is a really sporty girl who loves Utah. She kept saying she wishes she could live here and yes I agree Utah IS pretty awesome but living so close to Disney Land--now who wouldn't want that? hehe!! Thanks for coming Rose, you're a sweetie.
Friday, August 14, 2009
..One For Rose..
Monday, August 10, 2009
..Brynli & Rhaegan..
Once again we are all lucky enough to be able to check out these two cutie pies again! Their mom warned me when I very first took their pictures (a month ago hehe) that she was a little obsessed with getting her kid's pictures taken. I just laughed at her because let's be honest...what mom ISN'T obsessed? And after I got to spend a few hours with them the first time I knew I wouldn't mind them coming back again and again because they are both just too cute for words. And their I even need to mention their eyes? I cannot get over how blue they are. Those babies aren't even enhanced one bit. The main reason for us getting together and doing these pictures was for Rhaegan who just had her first birthday! I think she has changed a lot since the last time I saw her a month ago. Darn kids needs to stop growing up so fast, it's depressing.
And last but not least, this hilarious bum shot of her trying to stand up! I love the tutu.
This face of hers was so funny. She kept trying to bark like a little puppy so in order to get her attention I kept asking her where the puppy was, and if she could see the little the split second I said "where's the puppy" a real dog barked, and her eyes got huge and she just stared at me like...WOW how did you know? haha
This is a pose I get out of my girls regularly. It is a rare occassion when they are both looking, and both smiling at the same time. It's practically impossible. And that's how it was with these two, they were so funny! I'd get ones attention long enough to get a good smile, but the other was looking off or in Rhaegans case--trying to eat the dirt while Brynli is busy smiling. I was laughing so hard because it's just one of those things where you take what you can get when it comes to little kids. Even if it is one like this with the oldest hugging the baby so tight so she wont escape. Gotta love it :)
Another act all parents can relate to...the older one dragging the little one by their hands, and the poor little ones trying to move their feet as fast as they can before they biff it.
And last but not least, this hilarious bum shot of her trying to stand up! I love the tutu.
..Coming Soon..
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
..Serious Sickness..
I just wanted to let everyone know that me and my youngest are down with strep throat and bad head colds. So until I am feeling back up to parr I probably won't be doing any editing. I just popped some more medicine so I'm feeling good enough to hurry and fill everyone in. Hope everyone can hang in there a little longer to get their prints! Thanks.
Monday, August 3, 2009
..Sheffield Family..
This is a very special posting for this family and for me personally. I received a very touching email one day from a woman named Pam who knew a family I did pictures for and she just loved them. So she contacted me hoping I would be available to do some urgent family pictures for one of her great friends Alicia & Jared. As I read through her email I began getting extremely choked up. Alicia is only 32 with 4 adorable little kids, her oldest being 12 and youngest only 3 years old. She has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and just found out she only has 3-6 months left to live. She has a very aggressive form of cancer and it has spread through out her whole body now. I was SO honored to do these pictures for her and her precious family. If any of you know me well, you know I am a big time bawl baby and cry over just about anything. I knew this would be a very hard situation so I tried my hardest to compose myself during their session...they didn't need me chiming in too. But when I got home and uploaded their pictures on my computer I sat and stared at this beautiful woman and her family and I literally sat and sobbed. I cannot even imagine my life without MY mom and I'm older, let alone these 4 little kids not being able to have a mom. Alicia was such an inspiration to me. She is such a strong woman who even though is in excruciating pain all of the time...never did she complained once about her legs hurting, or being so tired she couldn't stand to stay awake any longer. She just sat there and smiled through it all and was so grateful that I came to do their pictures. I really wanted to capture some special moments with her and her kids, because some of these pictures are the only things her kids will have to remember her by. As soon as I met them, I knew their session would be how I thought it would go...just sweet and simple! Because they are such a sweet and simple family whose love for each other is so strengthening to be around. Alicia's sister told me a story of how Alicia really knew how to throw a great party, every year for her kids birthdays she'd go all out for each kid to have a very special day...and even though there will come a day when Alicia is no longer able to be with her family--the memories of their sweet and beautiful mom will live in their hearts forever and her strength, and love will leave the greatest legacy for her family. Thank you so much Pam for thinking of me, I am so happy you did!
This picture above just tears me apart. These 4 gorgeous kids completely adore their mom.
above is another favorite. I didn't even tell them to look at eachother, to smile or anything...infact I was paying attention to the little kids behind me and when I turned around I seen them just starring at eachother and smiling so I hurried and snapped it before they looked at me. How priceless this will be!
above is another favorite. I didn't even tell them to look at eachother, to smile or anything...infact I was paying attention to the little kids behind me and when I turned around I seen them just starring at eachother and smiling so I hurried and snapped it before they looked at me. How priceless this will be!
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