It has been a crazy past few weeks. I haven't had time to blog about anything all I've had time for is photo shoots, editing and trying to squeeze in some family time. My oldest Eryka has started playing soccer, so it's been a lot of fun watching her learn how to play and compete with others...she is so timid and doesn't really like to get in the huddle and go for the ball. But she's enjoying being able to run around and play with some of the girls on her team. Yesterday was her first day of pre-school. This is her third year, and I'm a little afraid that by the time she is ready for kindergarten she will be bored out of her mind and sick of school. ANYWAYS, so we've been really busy and I'm trying to get caught up on blogging. So back to this family; I think these kids are super cute and we got some good shots until the end when Lauren decided that she was so done with pictures and was not about to take one more. So we had to cut the session short. Hopefully when she's in a better mood we will have a chance to try again! Also...not really sure why I am not able to upload some of their family pictures? I have a sweet computer sometimes.
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