Legacy Photo:: Blog


Monday, October 26, 2009

..Clark Family..

This is one of the most down to earth families you'll ever meet. Not to mention 3 of the cutest boys around. I mean for reals...look at them they don't come much cuter than this. The boys are definitely "all boy" but they really have some serious brotherly love for eachother and it was so sweet. I got to know Tressa when we used to live in Syracuse and since we have moved I haven't had much of a chance to get together with my girlfriends from there so when she contacted me about pictures I was really happy about it and super excited to get together for a bit!! You have a beautiful family guys hope you enjoy these!!


Anonymous said...

Alex, these are seriously AWESOME!! I love them! You are a very talented lady. :p

Wendy said...

They turned out soooo good! Great job, as usual!!!!

Emily said...

Beautiful pictures! You do an awesome job!!